External link icon shortcode preference
There are a number of WordPress plugins that will allow you to apply external link icons automatically, but that’s not really my preference. I like…
There are a number of WordPress plugins that will allow you to apply external link icons automatically, but that’s not really my preference. I like…
Every once in a while I want to put pages into an RSS feed on a self-hosted WordPress site. When I do this, I prefer…
For the last couple of years, we’ve been aggregating the dispatches from the people in our network. We do this so we can keep up…
Creating breadcrumbs from menus in WordPress can be very handy.
One of the WordPress websites we manage had a legacy media library problem. There were thousands of files in the uploads folder and they weren’t…
In the past I’ve experimented with archiving old WordPress sites by converting them to HTML files and hosting them at archival URLs. The plugin I…
This looks handy.
We use a code snippet to add Featured Images into our RSS feeds, but we wanted to see if that was still the best way…
In the end we found a pretty simple solution to our problem: how to keep notifications from going out to subscribers using Jetpack in Gutenberg….
This week we did some research. We have a hub site, and we know that not all of our contributors remember (or choose) to use…
It’s nice to have page excerpts. Here’s one way to do it: https://workingwithpixels.com/add-excerpts-to-wordpress-pages.html
In our search for a masonry display that would display full posts we tried “Visual Portfolio.” It isn’t quite what we were looking for, but…
Wow, these folks look busy: https://noblogs.org/ Connecting radical people. Non commercial, antifascist, antisexist, privacy-oriented blog platform.
Media from FTP: similar to Media Sync, and is helpful way to scan and index files in uploads uploads folders. (update: doesn’t seem to work)…
These are nice options for some blogs, for displaying the sharing buttons: Example here: https://www.bruceelkin.com/articles/