Looking for a new feed to post aggregator

For the last couple of years, we’ve been aggregating the dispatches from the people in our network. We do this so we can keep up to date with what our colleagues and friends are doing. It’s also a way for our clients to get inspired about how other people are writing about. It’s a kind of network hub. It’s been an experiment. I think it mostly works.
But the plugin we’ve been using, is no longer supported by WordPress and has been removed from the plugin repository.
So we’re in the market for a new aggregator. At a glance, here’s a couple we’ll probably try out:
The features we’re looking for are:
- some control over how often the feed is checked
- grabs an image if there’s an image in the RSS feed
- links to the source
- adds link to source on the title and feature image on archive pages
- control over category, author, and tags