Seconds in a year
3600 per hour
86400 per day
172800 in two days
604800 per week
1209600 in 2 weeks
2419200 in 4 weeks
31449600 in 52 weeks
~32000000 per year
3600 per hour
86400 per day
172800 in two days
604800 per week
1209600 in 2 weeks
2419200 in 4 weeks
31449600 in 52 weeks
~32000000 per year
Sherwin Arnott is a cofounder of Pink Sheep Media, and is the lead designer and researcher. He thinks we all have a lot to learn from libraries.
How imbedded is racism in visual & written language? Where do the past & present “touch” when it comes to conceptions of blackness? Cannot wait…
It is unfortunately seeming that in the Gutenberg editor there is not yet a way to keep subscribers from seeing specific posts using a code…
Canada’s anti-spam laws overview.
Beyond just looking at and identifying birds, I’ve come to enjoy learning about bird-related issues. On that note, here are two recent(ish) articles about local Victoria bird news.
I miss the old interface: wp-admin/admin.php?page=jetpack_modules WP Tavern
Testing note with no title, with more changes.